Shoot The Dvd Player - Sterne

Shoot the DVD Player #11: The Sacrament / Frost/Nixon / The Boy Who Could Fly



This week's sources of fun and frivolity: [The Sacrament, 2013, Ti West] Does found-footage/mockumentary horror have a future? Perhaps not if Ti West's uninspiring Jonestown riff is anything to go by. Luckily, Anna spices things up by telling us about the time she lead a crazed cult dedicated to the worship of a discarded mandarin peal resembling former High Court justice Michael Kirby. [Frost/Nixon, Ron Howard, 2008] Richie Cunningham offers the story of David Frost, a kind of successful, 1970s version of Alan Partridge, and his landmark interviews with disgraced former President and wily old bastard Richard M. Nixon. [The Boy Who Could Fly, 1986, Nick Castle] Castle played Michael Myers in the original Halloween, but presumably he took off the mask to direct this (forgotten?) family classic. John Carpenter makes a cameo appearance in a music video, while Jason Priestly is also in it as someone called Gary, although we didn't spot him. The Boy