Batch Bitch

Ep 32 - Maybe I'll try and fall in love with you (MAFS)



Naomi and Danielle are very tired. The show is awful. Maybe one of these couples will actually end up together, MAYBE. What is the point of this kind of entertainment? To give us consumerist little piggies some people to feed on while we go about our largely meaningless lives? Someone to stare at like an exhibit and say "at least I'm better than that". Who is happy? Not the contestants. Not us. Only Channel Nine and the advertisers who catch us in our brief gasps for air mid-show to sell us things we don't need. Things that they promise will make us happy but ultimately never do. We are like the contestants on this show, looking to 'experts' to tell us what we need when the whole thing is obviously futile and the 'experts' are a bunch of middle aged men who will interrupt us to tell us our problems are our own fault, and not the fault of the white supremacist capitalist patriarchy we are forced to live in.Twitter: @batchbitchpod Instagram: @batchbitchpod Facebook: