Making The Maven

Entrepreneur First, Healer Second | Jeffrey Grossman | MTM069



Jeffrey Grossman graduated with a B.S. in communication and advertising, but after working for both small and large advertising agencies for 15 years, he stumbled upon an epiphany. Jeffrey was tired of working for somebody else. He wanted to be a master of his own domain and set his own work hours. So, what did he do? He quit and studied acupuncture, and later opened his own practice. However, that was only the beginning of the journey. Find out more about Jeffrey’s struggles and successes on this week’s episode.   Key Insights & Aha Moments: *If you told Jeffrey he’d be living in Hawaii 6 years ago, he’d wouldn’t have believed you. *So, who is Jeffrey? Jeffrey works as an acupuncturist, but no longer has his brick and mortar practice. *How did Jeffrey get into acupuncture if he has a background in advertising and marketing? *What has contributed to Jeffrey’s success over the years? *Jeffrey spent $15,000 on his first mentor/coach. He has since spent over $100,000 on mentors, and it has been worth every p