Making The Maven

BEST OF MTM: Let Go of Your Own Personal Flaws | Lisa Carpenter



Originally published on June 20, 2016   I have a fantastic guest for today's Making The Maven Podcast. Her name is Lisa Carpenter and she is a nutritionist, coach, and helps women practice healthy eating and lifestyle habits. Lisa's work and message is clear, helping women develop a healthy relationship with food and their bodies. In today's show we talk about Lisa's journey and how she 'did it all wrong' when she brought her business online. She really goes there and speaks on how she was having a hard time coming to terms with some of her flaws and why she decided to do the inner work, to not only help herself grow but to help her business grow as well. You have to listen in for more!   Key Insights & Aha Moments: *I have some surprises for you! *Lisa is a nutritional ninja and she helps women make peace with food and their bodies. *Lisa used to compete in figure and physique competitions. *Two years ago Lisa moved her business online, but she had to make a hard choice to let go of her then-clients. *Wh