Making The Maven

There’s Nothing Wrong with Niching Down! | Marc Ryan | MTM088



Marc Ryan is a Hashimoto healer. Marc and his daughter were diagnosed with Hashimoto’s, and he knew there were others just like him and her out there. He had to do something about it. Originally with a background in acupuncture, Marc has had his practice for 13 years, and only focuses on healing others who have this disease. Is Marc too niched down? Not At All! Marc’s niche has given him more opportunities (including a book deal) than he could ever imagine.   Key Insights & Aha Moments: *Who is Marc? He is a Hashimoto healer! *How did Marc get into acupuncture? *Before Marc became an acupuncturist, he was a musician, and he also taught refugees English. *When Marc finished acupuncture school, he kind of got thrown out to the wolves. He was in debt with no business experience. *After going into business with a bunch of friends, Marc was ready to get out and have a simpler life. *Did Marc have a fear that he was niching down his business too much? *When you commit to a smaller niche, you actually get more o