Making The Maven

Qualification Aren’t Enough to be a Business Owner | Amanda Jane Daley | MTM091



Amanda Jane Daley is a business mentor for wellness professionals, and is based out of Sydney, Australia. During her corporate career, Amanda worked alongside companies like Coca Cola and eBay, but much like all of us, she suffered from burnout, and quit her job. When she started her company, she quickly realized qualifications alone do not make you a good business owner, and she ended up losing her sense of self. On this week’s episode, Amanda talks about her struggles during her entrepreneurial journey, and why it’s so important to balance both your feminine and masculine energy.   Key Insights & Aha Moments: *Who is Amanda? She’s a business mentor for health coaches and wellness entrepreneurs. *When Amanda left her corporate career to pursue her business, she had a very dark time. She lost her identity. *Guest posting and blogging online doesn’t bring in money! It really woke Amanda up. She really had no idea how to run a business. *Business and entrepreneurship is not for everyone and that’s okay. *Ho