Making The Maven

Look to the Stars to Help With Your Business | Kelley Hunter| MTM097



Dr. Kelley Hunter is a longtime Depth Astrologer and Mythologist. Studies in psychology, cosmology, spirituality, and holistic consciousness, and over 1001 stargazing nights enrich her teachings and personal consultation work. She considers astrology to be a language of the soul that illumines our paths through life and connects us to the greater cosmic forces. Author of two books on LILITH, she also enjoys the creative arts, which led to her recent publication, Planetary Gods & Goddesses Coloring Book (for ages 7-adult). An international lecturer, she has served on the Board of the International Society of Astrological Research and writes for various professional journals. With a special interest in the Divine Feminine, she is also member of the Goddess Scholars Network.   Key Insights & Aha Moments * Why does Kelley call her work Depth Astrology? * What is astrology and what can it do for you and your business? * She picked this date specifically for our podcast because it was the first day Mercury