Making The Maven

Stop Sabotaging Yourself! | MTM118



I’m back with another solo episode! It’s the new year and we’re excited to achieve our goals, but some things that keep coming up with my students are their self-limiting beliefs. Are you saying words like, ‘I’m not ready yet,’ or ‘I’m too busy,’ and it’s making you stop dead in your tracks? You are sabotaging yourself! Let’s help you get unstuck in today’s episode so you can put yourself out there and do great, great things!   Key Insights & Aha Moments: *Are you self-sabotaging yourself? *I’m posting a live webinar this Wednesday 17th at 12 p.m. EST about the three online marketing secrets! Don’t miss it! *One of the reasons why you’re getting stuck is because you keep falling into the same limiting beliefs that are holding you back. *We naturally want to go into situations that make us feel safe. However, as business owners we need to battle against this. *You need to constantly be analyzing and adjusting what’s comfortable for you as you grow your business. *How does self-sabotage show up in different