Maid Of Steel: A Supergirl Podcast

MOS 95 - S5E6 - Confidence Women



Leviathan lurks in the shadows. It makes perfect sense that they would help create a shadow assassin. Power always comes with a price. Lena Luthor has led a life filled with betrayal. Her best friend at boarding school betrayed her. Her own brother and now Kara has betrayed her. I am confident there will be a price to pay for the secrets and lies. Years ago two young girls met with similar family dynamics. They were rich girls whose families were ignoring them. The girls bonded over their loneliness and their shared love of the movie Titanic. They stayed in touch through the years. When Lex orchestrated a grand plan to kill Superman Lena calls on her friend Andrea for help. Deep in the jungle of Costa Rica Lena and Andrea follow clues laid out in a legend. They are on the hunt for an artifact that will give them power over shadows. Andrea loses her footing and falls in a hole. Lena goes for some rope to rescue her. In her absence Andrea begins to explore. She is first upon this mysterious Medallion of Acrata.