Maid Of Steel: A Supergirl Podcast

MOS 102 - S5E10 - The Bottle Episode



Lex Luthor is the Man of Tomorrow and he is controlling everything today. He is the head of the DEO and many think he is a hero. Only a select few know the truth. Not many could have their memories restored by J’onn J’onzz. He warned that restoring everyone’s memories would cause irreparable damage.   We discover that Lena knows everything because Lex made a deal with the monitor to preserve her memories. Lillian feels like she knows what is going on based on what her son tells her, but you see herein lies the power. Lex can edit the story. He can tell his mother only what he wishes her to know. Lex is always holding the cards trying to keep the advantage for himself.   Brainy is really trying to be a good boyfriend for Nia. He is learning the art of making her feel special without smothering her. At a smoothie stand he is faced with someone he didn’t expect. It’s another Brainiac. Back at the DEO there is even more including a female version who thinks she is the director. It turns out that to avoid the anti