Maid Of Steel: A Supergirl Podcast

MOS 106 - S5E14 - The Bodyguard



With the launch of Obsidian North’s next generation of VR you will be able to see, taste, and touch your wildest dreams. The important thing is to not forget the real world around you. Losing touch with reality can have actual inescapable consequences. Alex has moved from being under Lex Luthor’s control. Her sister Kara is not as lucky. Lex wants to break into Leviathan’s inner circle. He believes the key to doing that is to protect their latest asset Andrea Rojas and therefore Supergirl is assigned to be her bodyguard. Meanwhile animal trials have completed in the non nocere project. Even the most aggressive animals are rendered docile and friendly. Lex had promised to help Lena with the project and he has really come through. He arranged human subjects at the local prison to take non nocere to the next level. While there we see Steve again. He praises Lena as a hero for taking the violent tendencies out of his fellow inmates. Lena’s project only targets one region of the brain. The unforeseen consequence i