Maid Of Steel: A Supergirl Podcast

MOS 115 - Selena On Supergirl



In the Supergirl universe the character of Selena is shrouded in mystery. In the 1984 film she is an evil sorceress. After watching the movie twice as many questions remain in my head. How does this human know how to harness the power of the Omegahedran? How does she know of the Phantom Zone? This version of Selena seems determined on world domination. It doesn’t seem to me that she would serve anyone. In contrast, the Supergirl television series Selena seems to be a servant of her people. What remains of the population of Krypton is living on the moon of Argo. The people were completely dependent on black Krytonite to keep the environment habitable. This version of the character doesn’t seem to want to enslave humanity. She is motivated to destroy the human race and terraform their planet. Selena the Krptonian witch wants a new Krypton to rise from the ashes of Earth. She strives to be a hero to her people using the powers of her genetically engineered daughter Reign. Please join Green butterfly and Silver V