Maid Of Steel: A Supergirl Podcast

MOS 123 - Favorite Episodes #5: "Myriad" and "Better Angels"



The residents of National City are acting very strangely. It is as if they all have the same objective in mind. Kara has to seek help to stop it before the people she has sworn to protect become enslaved by her Uncle Non. He claims that he wants to save the people of Earth from destroying their home. Non says he wants to honor Astra’s plan to use a program called Myriad to keep Earth from suffering the same fate as Krypton. Kara goes to the Fortress to seek advice on Myriad and get the location of her cousin. Kalex will not help until she reminds it that it was created to serve the great House of El. Kara needs a plan quickly before the world’s entire population is turned into robot-like drones. Superman always goes off planet at the most inconvenient times. The moment The Man of Steel returns to National City he is taken over by the power of Myriad. Being raised nearly his whole life on Earth has made Clark vulnerable to its influence. Thankfully Kara is not completely alone. Cat Grant has a clear head thank