Maid Of Steel: A Supergirl Podcast

MOS 134 - Season 5 Review and Season 6 News & Preview



Supergirl and her team have faced a lot of turmoil recently. Not the least of which was a crisis of epic proportion. The process of bringing numerous Earth’s together left Supergirl and her friends on Earth Prime. I fear the cosmic shift will lead to many yet unforeseen problems. Lex Luthor has manipulated his way to the center of it all, crowning himself the Paragon of Truth. Many crazy events have transpired. Perhaps this butterfly should start at the beginning. Lena sold Catco to Andrea Rojas who is eager to turn it in to a tabloid newspaper. Why should she report real news when her main financial endeavor is on the next floor down at Obsidian North? People are encouraged to let go of reality and live in the virtual world her company has created. Lena uses the money earned from the sale of the magazine to fund her Non Nocere initiative. Her goal is to create a society of people that no longer wish to harm one another. These two college friends are on different paths. One wants to entice people into a fake