Maid Of Steel: A Supergirl Podcast

MOS 149 - S6E9 - Dream Weaver



Supergirl and J’onn are investigating a robbery in National City. The crime is being perpetrated by a group of aliens that would not normally work together. The items they are stealing are fairly benign separately, but together could build a bomb that would level a skyscraper.  This is a story that Kara could use to put Catco on top right? Andrea doesn’t think so.  She wants articles about what the Superfriends do for fun.  That will give her the bump in ratings she craves. Kelly is on her first assignment for social services. She heads to a group home where a young boy named Joey with EMP powers is acting out. When Kelly speaks to him, she discovers he is stressed that his incarcerated brother Orlando is overusing his powers. This could lead to irreversible harm or even death if it were to continue. Kelly enlists the help of Kara to go speak to the warden of the prison where Orlando is being held, to inquire about his well-being. Meanwhile Nia is sent home from work for falling asleep in a staff meeting. She