Creating A Family: Talk About Infertility, Adoption & Foster Care

What Subsidies/ Benefits are Available for Foster Care Adopt



Most children adopted from US foster care are eligible for an monthly adoption subisdy and other benefits from the state. What benefits are available? College tuition, medical insurance, monthy stipend? What is reasonable? Our guests are Josh Kroll, Project Coordinator with the Adoption Subsidy Resource Center at the North American Council on Adoptable Children and  Julie Mondroski and Judith Ungar-Neuenkirch, case workers with Clark County Nevada—otherwise known as Las Vegas. adopting from foster care, foster care adoption, waiting US children, adopting a US child, toddler adoption, adoption photolisting,  Blog summary of the show and highlights can be found here:  Blog summary of the show  Highlights   More Creating a Family resources on foster care adoption can be found here.Support the show (