Game Of Thrones Podcast

604 "Book of The Stranger" Game of Thrones- Full Recap



Game of Thrones is on a roll. In this weeks episode, "Book of The Stranger" we see our beloved Dany bring the Dothraki army to their knees. She was amazing, and we can't wait to see whats next in her goal to conquer. On the other side of the world, we see another woman conquering things in her own way, in Brienne, who lets Melissandre know that she has not forgot how she killed her king. Theon makes it home, just in time for his sister to make him fill even worse than he already does. We are not sure what to make of Cersei, and the dealings going on at Kings Landing, but we look forward to whatever is coming ahead. Finally we see Sansa and one of her siblings reunite, and it was awesome. We will be back Sunday evening with our instant cast. We would love to get your feedback- Thank you for listening!