Trash & Treasures

Drunk Book Club: The Phantom Of Manhattan (AKA Love Never Dies)



In which a longtime Phantom fan and someone who doesn't even go here read a published fanfic that hits all the notes of being BAD fanfic, including: a sequel that the original didn't need, killing off characters for no reason, magically adding babies that make no sense, and turning the canon love interest into an asshole because they're in the way of your preferred ship. And then there are the GENERAL bad book problems, like bad pacing and a complete disdain for women. Anyway, then it got made into a multi-million dollar musical. Because Andrew Lloyd Webber gets away with that kind of shit. Oh, and Forsyth is a pro-Brexit shitstain going back over a decade so y'know, fuck him in general outside of the bad book. CONTENT WARNING for discussion of sexual assault, child sexual exploitation, gaslighting, ableism, misogyny, racism, and antisemitism Feminist Analysis of Christine: “Man’s Hatred Has Made Me So”: Freakifica