School Of Schlock

Episode 11 - The Killer Shrews



Every hunter will tell you that there is no more vicious or deadly a creature than the tiny shrew. And any sci-fi moviegoer will tell you to stay far, far away from the film The Killer Shrews. But Tom and Ryan aren't known for listening to good advice, so they watch and discuss it anyway! Listen in as they chat about the best dog costumes, the solution to the overpopulation problem, and why a dull, alive woman is preferable to the alternative. Who knows, maybe they'll even bust out a hilarious prank of J. Edgar Hoover!     Episode Time Stamps:     0:02:45 - Film Summary   0:38:00 - Film Background    0:59:05 - The Good   1:10:30 - The Bad   1:24:35 - The Ugly   1:40:15 - Improving the Film