School Of Schlock

Episode 16 - Creature from the Haunted Sea



It's the second film in our Roger Corman comedy-horror block! This time a vicious sea monster is out to kill some criminals smuggling Cuban treasure into the United States--and you thought the Bay of Pigs was bad! Put your ear to the door and listen as Tom and Ryan (alias: Ryan and Tom) dream of the Corman film factory, trade all of their utilities for Park Place, and learn how this film is linked to two Mission Impossible movies. You can't hear a thing through that door, can you?     Episode Time Stamps   0:02:39 - Film Summary   0:21:48 - Film Background    0:41:42 - The Good   0:53:47 - The Bad   1:05:00 - The Ugly   1:15:42 - Improving the Film