School Of Schlock

Episode 110 - Dark Prince: The True Story of Dracula



"True Story" films aren't always as true as they claim to be, but something things have to be exaggerated and fictionalized for the sake of entertainment. And what could be more entertaining than Vlad the Impaler? Join Tom and Ryan as they discover the TRUEST story of the origins of Dracula by watching this period-piece drama all about good old Vlad. On the way they also discuss The Wire, charisma vacuums, and late-medieval influencers! It's our review of Dark Prince: The True Story of Dracula!   Time stamps: 0:03:45 - Background 0:19:00 - Back-of-the-Box Summary 0:41:50 - Notable Scenes 0:50:00 - The Good 0:55:10 - The Bad 1:06:00 - The Ugly