School Of Schlock

Episode 122 - Star Slammer



What are you gonna do when you've got seven years in the slammer for a murder you didn't commit? Who will be there to help spring you from the joint? And what if that joint just so happens to be on a spaceship? These questions can only be answered by an exploitative 80s action film! Join Tom and Ryan as they mull these quandaries, as well as discussing underground metal bands, goofs on game shows, and Warhammer 40K! It's our intergalactic planetary discussion of Star Slammer!   Time stamps: 0:04:00 - Background 0:24:00 - Back-of-the-Box Summary 0:37:05 - Notable Scenes 0:46:15 - The Good 0:52:10 - The Bad 1:12:55 - The Ugly