Girls Can

Ep.4 - Women's Health and Nutrition with Stacy Lewis



Stacy Lewis, a registered dietitian and certified personal trainer, joins Elizabeth and Brooke Swain to discuss the importance of women's nutrition. Giving insight into the world of women's health, Ms. Lewis emphasizes the significance of well-balanced meals while sharing healthy after-school snack ideas. Women feel their best when they exercise and eat healthily, but we must always remember that we are more than the measure of our waistline. Girls Can Podcast is sponsored by Girls Can, an organization dedicated to improving the lives of young women in our community of Mobile, Alabama. Our mission is to encourage young women to make a difference through education and service because the girls of today become the future leaders of tomorrow. Contributors:This podcast is sponsored in part with a grant from HERlead - A Fellowship for young women on their way.  Girls Can Podcast is created and produced in collaboration with Deep Fried Studios.