Girls Can

Ep.10 - Dr. Mary Townsley: Women in STEM



In this episode, Brooke and Grace Swain interview Dr. Mary Townsley, associate dean of the University of South Alabama College of Medicine and an active leader in the American Heart Association and American Thoracic Society. Dr. Townsley gives insight into the life of a woman in STEM while sharing her experience as both student and teacher of the scientific field. Plus, she shares some habits, skills, and advice to excel in advanced science and medical studies. Resources: Dr. Mary Townsley - LinkedIn University of South Alabama College of Medicine - Website Girls Can is a podcast created to help educate and inform young omen throughout the world. Our shows will discuss many issues, skills, and lessons that affect the lives of young women. We plan to interview professional women in our community to learn from their experiences and mentorship. We wanted to give all girls an opportunity to hear leadership advice from smart, strong, successful, and amazing women.   This podcast is sponsored in part with a gr