Russ And Randy Podcast | Healthcare's Prescription For Web & Social

Using Lead Magnets and Creating an Irresistible Bribe



Lead magnets and value offers are marketing terms used to define the process of engaging your visitor to your website.  What can I give you (the reader) in exchange for your email address? A lead magnet is an irresistible bribe to exchange something of value for their contact information.  In the healthcare world, our "value" can be health information, eBooks, recipes (healthy eating), etc. Listen as to how this is integral to relationship develop and building your practice. All the best! Russ and Randy     Thanks for listening. See you next week!  If you have a question or comment, please ask here or on our website. Please download us at iTunes and leave a review. All the best! Russ…and Randy Healthcare and Medical Internet Marketing Healthcare’s Rx for Web and Social