Phantom Galaxy

Phantom Galaxy: Offbeat Christmas Movies with 'The Undead Wookie'



Happy Holidays and Seasons Greetings!  The Christmas celebration continues with this giant episode dedicated to Offbeat Christmas Movies! We have mini-reviews of Dial Code Santa from Ian Irza and Better Watch Out from Dave 'Doc Shock' Becker.  Then, Nathan and Bill are joined by Huw Lloyd, host of The Undead Wookie, and Peter Nielsen, frequent guest on UW and co-host at Retro Movie Geek and Terror on the Tube. We talk Silent Night, Deadly Night, Mercy Christmas, Await Further Instructions, and Peter's choice, which will remain a surprise... Sit back, grab a seasonal drink and snack, and enjoy! Huw Lloyd's links: The Undead Wookie Podcast Peter Nielsen's links: Terror on the Tube here. Retro Movie Geek here. The Forgotten Flix Podcast here. Dave Becker's other places on the internet: Film blog: DVD On Twitter: @DVDinfatuation On Facebook: DVDinfatuation On Instagram: @dbjb6972 On Letterboxd: @dcosh