Arnold Radio News

84: The Predator (2018) Commentary



Hosts: The Gillinator, Brandon Krum, Shahi Sabzevari "We're assassins, not a rescue team." Two of us never watched 2108's "The Predator" before now, so this was a fun way to first react and experience it, to see if it is truly worthy of Predator's legacy and decide if Arnold made the right choice in turning down a cameo role in it. Directed by Shane Black, this had great potential to be a return to form for the series, and in many ways it is... but then some frustratingly odd choices still hold it back. Still it's worth a rental to watch along with us! Like ARN? Help us get bigger and ballsier by rating and reviewing us in iTunes, and sharing us with other Arnold fans! Episode Links: The Predator 2018 IMDB Contact us: @ArnoldRadioNews @gillinator @KRUMstudios @TheArnoldFans The Best Sites in Life: Arnold T-shirts by Randy Jennings TAFs Facebook Page Daniel Marshall Cigars Arnocorps