For Immediate Release

FIR Live #18: Facebook-focused campaigns



Is it wise for companies to direct consumers to their Facebook pages instead of their websites? That's the subject our panel will discuss on Saturday, August 14, at 10 a.m. Pacific, 1 p.m. Eastern and 6 p.m. London.So far, the panel will include... * Steve Rubel, Senior VP and Director of Insights, Edelman Digital, who wrote about the trend in his March column for* Scott Monty, head of social media at Ford Motor Company, which will use traditional advertising to drive consumers to a Ford Explorer page on Facebook* Jennifer Cohen, co-founder and president of Something Creative LLC, which guided a Facebook-focused campaign for Uni-Ball (which Jennifer discussed in a recent FIR interviewAs always with FIR Live, you can be part of the discussion by calling in to ask a question or share your views, or by commenting in the chat room.