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Jessica Jones 310 Review "AKA Hero Pants" by Defenders TV Podcast



All the defenders are here return for our Jessica Jones 310 Review of AKA Hero Pants to discuss their top five case notes. Malcolm is so smooth this time around that he doesn't even have to leave the house to get a date, very impressive. A beautiful shot from Jessica Jones 310. Jessica Jones 310 Review "AKA Hero Pants" Spoiler Filled Synopsis Written by - Hilly Hicks Jr. & Jamie King Directed by - Sanford Bookstaver As Jessica Jones and Trish plan the funeral of their mother Dorothy Walker, Jessica is preoccupied by who murdered law breaking police officer Carl Nussbaumer. The police tail think that she is the prime suspect in his death. But a niggling thought plays at the back of her mind as she suspects that she has inspired her boyfriend Erik Gelden to act the hero, put on those hero pants and murder the slime-ball. But Erik insists he is innocent. With the N.Y.P.D. still on her tail, Jessica’s former assistant Malcolm helps her out by investigating Erik now that he has some free time. M