Race Chaser With Alaska & Willam

HOT GOSS #40: Everything is Canceled, Wash Your Hands, and We Are Now Gay Ass Doctors



Alaska and Willam dive deep into gossip, conjecture, and the DM's! THIS EPISODE SPONSORED BY BETTER HELP AND SPOTIFY'S "THE LAST DEGREE OF KEVIN BACON": *Get 10% Off your First Month at betterhelp.com/drag. *"The Last Degree of Kevin Bacon" is a Spotify Original Podcast, and you can listen to it for FREE, only on Spotify. ALASKA presents Drag Queen of the Year 2020 Pageant Competition Award Contest Competition. Get Your Tickets Here! FOLLOW ALASKA https://twitter.com/Alaska5000 https://www.instagram.com/theonlyalaska5000 https://www.facebook.com/AlaskaThunder https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9vnKqhNky1BcWqXbDs0NAQ FOLLOW WILLAM https://twitter.com/willam https://www.instagram.com/willam https://www.facebook.com/willam https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrO9hj5VqGJufBlVJy-8D1g HOT GOSS IS A FOREVER DOG PODCAST https://foreverdogpodcasts.com/podcasts/race-chaser/