Warren Whitlock

The Experience when Business Meets Design



Short but deep interview with Brian Solis, author of  X: The Experience When Buiness Meets Design.  Brian is a return guest and friend for many years. He has a cool job doing what I think about everyday.. helping businesses adapt to the changing world of technology and shifts in the way us human beings view the world and experience life. His day job is a Principal at Altimeter Group, a Silicon Valley research and advisory firm. We hear a lot of fads and buzz words about what makes a good business. Some of it from research and perspective from people like Brian Solis that gets misquote and sensationalized by pundits and media. I've learned to follow the hype back to the serious source.. often leading to insights that are missed by the masses and often that source is Brian Solis.  Brian's new book is unlike his previous book. It's very much a book, not intended for a digital format and a departure from the text only format. We talked about why he did that, how it changed the experience of reading for me, an