Rust Belt Running

Episode 21 - Cleveland Race Preview



Rust Belt Running does not hide their affection for the Cleveland Marathon.  We do an even worse job of hiding in episode 21 where the entire episode is focused on the upcoming Cleveland Marathon race weekend. Before we talk about our expectations for the race, breakdown all associated events, and share awesome tips on making the best of the weekend; we talk about Eliud's new sub-2 attempt, the new world record for running 50 miles, and Andrew and Adam share one sentence responses on Mo Farah and Galen Rupp running the Chicago Marathon. In Stump the Hosts, Adam and Andrew go head-to-head in a world record themed competition.  The final outcome will leave you on the edge of your seat!!! Ok, not really, but someone does win without the need of a tiebreaker. If you decide you want to watch this podcast on YouTube, you can see us do some wicked air guitaring.  If you opt only for audio, use your imagination and place an air guitar wherever you see fit.  Just watch your hands and don't hit some