Warren Whitlock Show

We are All Selfish, Scared and Stupid? Smart chat with Dan Gregory



We're talking to Dan, co-Author of a fantastic book on how are influenced by basic instincts and how to use these instincts for better marketing and sales persuasion From Wily: Appealing to humans' basic instincts to increase influence, buy-in and results Survival of the species comes down to three basic instincts, say behavioral research strategists Dan Gregory and Kieran Flanagan—fear, self-interest and simplicity. These basic human behaviors come into play in all types of relationships, including those between businesses and customers. Selfish, Scared and Stupid: Stop fighting human nature and increase your performance, engagement and influence, demystifies these behaviors and examines the psychology behind why even the best ideas sometimes fail. This book helps businesses design their organizations for reality rather than perfection, and also offers strategies to head off unprecedented levels of disengagement within, and outside, the business. It answers baffling questions around why the public sometim