Creating A Family: Talk About Infertility, Adoption & Foster Care

Coping with the Stress of Infertility



Click here to send us a topic idea or question for Weekend Wisdom.We talk about Coping with the Stress of Infertility with Dr. Tonya Wood, a clinical psychologist specializing in family planning,  pregnancy loss and infertility. She is the Director of Clinical Training at Pepperdine University and is 2020 President of the California Psychological Association.In this episode, we cover:Why is infertility so stressful?What are the losses women experience when they realize that either they or their partner is infertile?What are the losses men experience when either they or their partner is infertile?Why do some patients feel shame or guilt surrounding their infertility?What is ambiguous loss and why is that type of loss more stressful?How can infertility impact marriages and partnerships?How do men and women deal with the stress of infertility in different ways?What are healthy techniques to deal with the stress of infertility?Importance of not postponing life while in infertility treatment.Should patients share