

Click here to send us a topic idea or question for Weekend Wisdom.What do we mean by attachment and what can parents do to help their child attach. What can parents do if they are struggling with attaching to their child. We talk with Dr. Casey Call, the Assistant Director of Education at the Institute of Child Development at TCU. She is a researcher and trainer for Trust-Based Relational Intervention.In this episode, we cover:What is attachment and why is it so important to a child’s development?How does attachment develop in children who are raised from infancy in a healthy functioning family? What does healthy attachment look like?What events can interrupt the normal development of healthy attachment? (e.g. multiple caregivers, abuse, neglect) What about a primary care giver with mental illness? What about long term hospitalization?When we have a child placed in our homes for either adoption or fostering, what are some signs that this child may have attachment issues?Attachment issues fall along a spectrum