Creating A Family: Talk About Infertility, Adoption & Foster Care

Introduction to International Adoption



Click here to send us a topic idea or question for Weekend Wisdom.Have you ever thought about adopting a child from abroad? What does it take and what type of kids are available? To learn more, listen to our interview with Robin Sizemore, Executive Director of Hopscotch Adoptions, who has worked in the international adoption field for 27 years and Debbie Price, Executive Director of Children’s House International and who has worked in international adoption for 28 years. In this episode, we cover:Outline of the typical international adoption process.What type of kids are available for international adoption?What is the youngest child available?Is it possible to get a young healthy child or baby?International adoption regulations.What governmental entities are involved in international adoption?How to decide on what country to adopt from? Will the country accept you? Does the country place children that you think your family is a good fit for?What are some of the country-specific requirements for adoptive pare