Creating A Family: Talk About Infertility, Adoption & Foster Care

How a Parent's History with Attachment and Trauma Impacts Adoption and Fostering



Click here to send us a topic idea or question for Weekend Wisdom.Have you ever wondered why a specific behavior by your child drives you crazy? What do we as parents bring to the relationship that could be part of the problem? We talk about how a parent's history with attachment and trauma impacts our parenting with Dr. Patrice Berry, a licensed clinical psychologist with specialized training in adoption and foster care and over 15 years of clinical experience. In this episode, we cover:·      Research has shown that our attachment style with our own parents is the biggest predictor of the attachment style we’ll have with our child.·      What do we mean by attachment style? Attachment style refers to the internal “working models” we develop of how relationships function. They influence the way we relate to important people in our lives. The attachments we form in our early relationships with parents or caretakers can have an impact on our feelings of insecurity, anxiety, fear, avoidance, and satisfacti