Creating A Family: Talk About Infertility, Adoption & Foster Care

Predicting and Coping with Failed Adoption Matches



Click here to send us a topic idea or question for Weekend Wisdom.If you are considering domestic infant adoption, you need to listen to this show to better understand the possibility that the expectant mom may change her mind. Our guest is adoption attorney, Lila Bradley, who has practiced law relating to adoption and child welfare law for the past 20 years.In this episode, we discuss:Distinction between failed match and adoption dissolution or sometimes known as disruption.What is the “typical” process for domestic infant adoption whether the adoptive parents are using an adoption agency or an adoption attorney?When do the adoptive parents legally become the baby’s parents?When can a mom change her mind and decide to parent the baby?Keep in mind that what prospective adoptive parents see as a “failure” very well may be seen as a “success” by the biological parents.Creating a Family resource: Failed Adoption Matches: How Common? How Costly? How to SurviveWhat are some signs that an adoption match may fail an