The Sonya Looney Show

The Neuroscience of Food Habits with Dr. Jud Brewer



Why is food so complicated for us? As a professional mountain biker, a national board-certified health and wellness coach, and my certification in plant-based nutritional studies, I know firsthand the importance of fueling our bodies with the right foods. But as Dr. Jud Brewer shares, our relationship with food goes beyond mere sustenance—it's deeply intertwined with our emotions, habits, and mindset. Get ready to gain valuable insights and actionable strategies for mastering your mind and revolutionizing your approach to eating.   KEY TAKEAWAYS - Neuroscience of Habits: Our brains are wired through reinforcement learning to form food habits and associate food with reward and danger for survival purposes.- True Hunger: Modern convenience and constant food exposure can lead to emotional eating in the absence of true hunger.- Hunger vs Cravings: Mindfulness techniques like noting can help differentiate physical hunger from cravings.- Health Food Relationships: Embracing concepts like uncertainty, kindness and