Again With This: Beverly Hills, 90210

MP S04.E29: Melrose Unglued



How do you follow up an episode that closed with one partner in a medical practice getting arrested for sexual misconduct while the other -- who was actually guilty of the crime -- was left unconscious and possibly dead from a hammer blow by one of his wife's Dissociative Identity Disorder alters? It seems unlikely but "MELROSE UNGLUED ACTUALLY TOPS IT." Amanda finds a way to buy Peter out of his legal trouble, just as Kimberly decides to kick Michael out of the beach house for his own safety. Bobby accidentally discovers Sydney's new porn-producing sideline, and while she's dismayed that he feels so betrayed by her lies that he doesn't think they can EVER be together now, she doesn't back out of the movie, which is how she's the one to find out -- from Jimmy -- that Vincent wasn't behind the cable company double-cross. Her attempt to use this information to get back in Bobby's good graces does not go the way she had hoped! Jake asks Alison to find out why Jane, who's been stonewalling him, has seemed so dist