Again With This: Beverly Hills, 90210

MP S04.E32: Dead Sisters Walking



Obviously, Sydney knows her bargaining position is weak, but she really attempts many different arguments to convince Jane not to follow through on her whole Richard-killing plan. None of them works. A Hail Mary to get JAKE to talk to Jane and urge her not to make any "funky" decisions -- not that she specifies what those might be -- does bring Jake to the design studio just in time to see Jane trying to distract Richard from his (accurate) suspicions about her financial malfeasance by making out with him. So Jake's out on Jane -- and while you'd think that would just cause him to take Alison up on her advances, he's just too good a pal and doesn't want to betray Billy, who's trying even harder to woo Alison back than Alison is trying to seduce Jake. What a mess! Speaking of which: Willowbridge. Amanda and Michael are swiftly apprehended breaking in, but it's no big deal to Betsy, who simply locks both of them AND Peter in a boiler room and lets her staff know that all three of them are going to get lobotomie