Again With This: Beverly Hills, 90210

MP S05.E16: The Eyes Of The Storm



Getting shoved through a glass table turns out to have been the last straw for Matt, who has an infuriatingly offscreen conversation with Peter about Dan; Peter then confronts Dan about it, and Dan reacts as though Peter has authority over him, for some reason? Peter also helps Michael meddle in Kimberly's private medical affairs after Kimberly lies to Michael that she's totally not dying at all. Once Michael knows the truth, he informs Kimberly that he's going to spending as much time with her as he possibly can; she pretends to go along, but then finds a pier. She loses the nerve to die by suicide then, but it's not her last attempt of the episode. At D&D, Amanda starts right in using Craig's disclosure to her own advantage, but may overplay her hand when she involves Arthur himself. You're not going to believe this but Jane was no better running this business than she was any of the others we've seen her in charge of, and Sydney's doing a lot of scrambling to get on top of the mess Jane left. The situa