Oceans Unite Podcast

A More Excellent Way | Pastor Alex Pappas | Oceans Unite



As humans we tend to try and fit people into a preconceived way of living, or being, that we think is better - but there is a more excellent way! We shouldn’t expect people to fit into a certain mold, every person is uniquely different to anyone else and these differences make no one person more important than another. We find in the Word of God that love and spirituality are extremely important to every believer even in the midst of our God-given differences. As we study 1 Corinthians 12, we learn about spirituality and gifts given to us as believers. In reading, we find that it’s important for us to be spiritual but not to focus on the “gifts” in others. The body of Christ is composed of many parts, and every part is important regardless of their ‘gift set’. Continuing through to 1 Corinthians 13, we find that the most important attribute is love. Everything else will fade away in that day, even gifts, but love will last forever. Yes, desire spiritual gifts, but the most important thing is to love!! #love #