Again With This: Beverly Hills, 90210

MP S04.E03: Blind Ambition



Remember the last episode when Matt punched Paul at the hospital and his lawyer Alicia was like "Please don't" and he was like "Cool, cool," and we thought he understood why such actions would NOT be good for his case? Well, in THIS episode, he's just decided to wire himself up and try to maneuver Paul into confessing to all his crimes so that he can get it on tape. Alicia destroys the first, not-especially-incriminating recording Matt makes, telling him it's inadmissible anyway, and when Matt pushes back, she agrees that she shouldn't represent him anymore. Instead of taking this as a bad sign that he needs to sort himself out, Matt accepts an invitation from Paul to go over to the manse and just talk. Oh, MATT. Jane hires Jo to be Mackenzie Hart's in-house photographer, even boldly inviting Jo and Jake out for a celebratory dinner with Jane and Richard. Somehow, Jane did not foresee Richard using this occasion to bitch at Jane, through Jo, that Jane fired his photographer in order to free up the position fo