Grimes Family Values: A Walking Dead Podcast

GFV6 – The Walking Dead -S5E6 – “Out of the Ashes”



The Walking Dead - Consumed Mary and Jamie discuss the theme of this week's Walking Dead, which is rebirth by fire.  There were many instances of fire as Daryl and Carol head into Atlanta during their search for Beth.  This episode focused on where Carol and Daryl have come and where they are going both literally and figuratively.  Jamie and Mary both agree that even though Consumed was as uneventful as the last episode, Self-Help, it was one of the best of the season.  Mary expresses her wish for Carol and Daryl to hook up and Jamie emphatically disagrees.   Jamie thinks Beth and Daryl should hook up while Mary thinks it would be more age appropriate for Carl and Daryl to "knock boots." Besides talking about this episode of The Walking Dead the live audience learned that Mary is a survivalist with weapons, ammo, and years worth of food.  Watch out blind a deaf children Mary is coming for you and everyone else Mary is going force you to procreate for food in the event of the zombie apocalypse. Listen live e