The Sonya Looney Show

Cultivating Inner Qualities for Positive Change with Oren Jay Sofer



On the quest for contentment, I have learned so much from meditation and cultivating positivity. I had the privilege of chatting with the insightful Oren Jay Sofer about his transformative new book, "Your Heart Was Made for This."   We explored the profound practices of mindfulness, meditation, and Nonviolent Communication to nurture qualities like patience, contentment, and forgiveness. Oren shares wisdom on differentiating empathy, compassion, and kindness, highlighting how shaping our inner lives can lead to personal and social transformation.   Here are some key takeaways: Cultivating inner qualities: like patience, contentment, forgiveness through contemplative practices can help with challenges in life and create positive change. Empathy vs Compassion: How to balance our feelings with what others feel; recognizing that kindness is such a powerful warmth and connection between people. Contentment: Using mindfulness to focus on appreciating what we have rather than craving more. Forgiveness: How to free