Late. Dark. Nights.

Late. Dark. Nights. Vol.5



Late. Dark. Nights. is inspired by those late, dark nights at the club…deep into the night where the BPMs are kept low and sexy…where it's not the vocals that drive the set forward but sounds, layers of beats and drums…the only audible vocals are not translatable or sometimes only a whisper further setting the mood of a late, dark night. Again, the stage is set. By now, you should know what Late. Dark. Nights. is all about…It's a feeling, a mood, an experience. Late. Dark. Nights. is a movement…a movement back to the underground. Late. Dark. Nights. Vol.5 features such producers as Adam Beyer, Sam Paganini, Saeed Younan, DJ Boris, Julian Jewell, Eric Sneo, Joel Mull, Alan Fitzpatrick, Marco Bailey, Pig&Dan, Harvey McKay, and Loco & Jam. Late. Dark. Nights. can happen anytime. Don't let the title mislead you. All you need is a connection to the music. It is dark and gritty. Perhaps it is a strange encounter…in a dark hallway or staircase. Who will be waiting for you in the late, dark, night?? Late. Dark.