Kubrick's Universe - The Stanley Kubrick Podcast

Full Metal Jacket with Ken Shane



Episode 65 : Full Metal Jacket with Ken Shane If you are a fan of Full Metal Jacket and you would like to get involved with an exciting new documentary about the making of the film, then head over to Indiegogo now: https://igg.me/at/Modern-Art-Masterpiece/x/57690#/ Ken Shane was born in London, England in the 1960s. He has been an assistant director for almost 40 years, and worked as a production manager during that time as well.  One of Ken’s first jobs was working for George Lucas on a little box office flop in 1980 called The Empire Strikes Back. He continued working straight on from that time, and has over 100 film and TV productions on his resume. In 1985 he worked with Tobe Hooper on the insanely over-the-top space vampire classic Lifeforce as well as on Ridley Scott’s Legend. He was busy as well in 1987, working on Superman 4: The Quest For Peace, John Boorman’s Hope And Glory, and Steven Spielberg’s Empire Of The Sun. He went on to work on Tim Burton’s Batman in 1989. He would work with Burton again