News, Glorious News, Hot Gossip And Mustard.

News,Glorious News,Hot Gossip And Mustard Ep.5 Film Reboots. Why they suck or do they?. Weekly News!



In this Weeks episode we talk about the latest in photos and other useless bits of news that have come out in the movie world. And after I finish ranting about that, I go into this week topic of, WHY MOVIE REBOOTS SUCK OR DO THEY ? And then I will talk about a movie that i feel could benefit from a reboot. I'll give you a hint what it is. "CAN YOU DIG IT!!!!" If you like this episode you can find me at these places. Email:Warmyetii@gmailcom Twitter:NewsGloriousNew Facebook:News,GloriousNews,HotGossipAndMustard. And of course Podomatic.Music: Bye bye xx Send Nudes.