Ze Shows Anime Pulse

Episode 800: Spring 2023 Previews #2



This week on Anime Pulse we got a whooper of a show today, as we celebrate our 800th show with guests from the community, previews from the spring season, and a little industry news. Up first Joseph and Andrew brush aside the IRL news and industry news to talk with the community, introduce them, and cover the community answers to this week's topic. After waving goodbye to the community and saying our fond farewells, we go over a little Q&A sent into us by non-live community members before wrapping up with the previews as usual. Joseph is reincarnated into the body of a recently murdered teenager, only to be summoned to another world to stop a war. Andrew on the other hand awakens in the body a sacrificial maiden in a fantasy novel, and needs to avoid a way of being a plot device for the true protagonist.